East Hartford, Connecticut (November 1, 2021) – FreeAgentNow, a Connecticut-based technology company that assists student athlete recruitment, has begun operations in Stamford, Connecticut in conjunction with UCONN TIP.“FreeAgentNow (FAN) is grateful for the inviting response of the academic and professional communities,” stated Roger Wierbicki, Founder/CEO of FreeAgentNow. “Stamford is not only one of the most important cites in Connecticut, but in the Northeast. Stamford’s prime location provides access to world-class talent and accessible transportation. Stamford is a city that truly understands the live, work, play adage. FAN is proud to call Stamford, Connecticut home.”
“UCONN TIP Digital is very excited to add FreeAgentNow to the TIP Digital community,” stated Margaret Feeney, Director, Technology Incubation Program (TIP), Stamford. “Given the resources here at TIP and in Stamford, we look forward to very rapid progress by FAN.”
“The Stamford business community is excited that FreeAgentNow chose to make Stamford, Connecticut its headquarters,” stated Thomas Madden, Economic Development Director for the City of Stamford. “FreeAgentNow understands the connectivity between talent and technology. FAN is a company that can not only close the gap for disenfranchised student athletes, but also has the ability to transcend the post-athletic career for student athletes. FreeAgentNow offers a unique and visionary product that highlights the talent we have here in Connecticut.”
UCONN TIP Digital helps launch startups ready to transform their respective markets. Through three locations in Storrs, Farmington, and now Stamford, TIP offers startups mentorship, lab and office space, educational/networking events, and a variety of other programming. TIP Digital companies have access to UConn’s top research facilities, resources for pitch development, funding seminars, angel investor forums, and guidance from our entrepreneurs-in-residence.
FreeAgentNow is an interactive platform that allows student athletes to be viewed in an elevated light. FreeAgentNow provides athletes the ability to showcase their athletic and interpersonal attributes. FreeAgentNow is proud to be a Connecticut-based technology company.
For more information regarding UCONN TIP Digital, go to https://innovation.uconn.edu/tipstamford
For more information regarding the City of Stamford, go to Stamford, CT | Home (stamfordct.gov) For more information regarding FreeAgentNow, go to www.freeagentnow.com
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